🦖Klaxosaur Update🦖
Defend the Plantation from the Klaxosaurs!❗ Genshin Impact Commands are still disabled! 😞Feedback | Suggestions | Issue Reports are always welcome!!!
Klaxosaur Update
🦖Klaxosaur Update🦖
❤️ Valentine’s Day Commands
- /valentine - commands have been disabled!
🦖 Klaxosaur
- /guild - Use the guild menu for Klaxosaurs to appear in your server
📸 Image Commands
🐟 Fish
- /fish line - Catch a single fish on your fishing line
- /fish net - Cast a net into the water! Watch and see what you catch 🐙
📣 Twitch
- A cooldown timer has been added to twitch notifications. We did this due to some inconsistencies with stream ids and figured a timer would be the best route to fight duplicate 🔴 Live messages.
⬆️ Leveling
- Our leveling system has been updated to handle jumping up multiple levels! This will come in handy later 😜 (We are still working the kinks out with this system)
😎 Profile
- /profile - A new menu that will be replacing a few commands has been added!
❗ Genshin Impact Commands
- We are still working on updating our GI commands! We have created a web scraper tool that will help us gather information but it is still too early for us to deploy that tool 😭
📅 Next Up
- List/Remind commands
- Badge-Achievement System
- H or not H mini game
- Discord event manager commands
Always more to come.
- Strx Devs
- Date
- 2/7/2023